Monday, September 12, 2005

Finding the Savior

I have been grasping - struggling - for words on how to respond to the tragedy that has befallen the Gulf coast. I have wanted to write something, anything, that we may not be hasty in considering this great trouble and then quickly drop it without learning anything. Without experiencing some form of revelation from the One who, throughout the unfolding of the storm and its severe aftermath, has been called upon and cursed, blamed and bullied, incorrectly invoked, desperately defended, piously purposed ... So much of us, so little of God. Where is He in all this sadness, this chaos, this anger, this hopelessness? Where is our Savior?

Beyond that question, I had no words. But today, while at work, thinking about a dozen different things completely unrelated to Katrina and her devastation, I reheard the words from a favorite song of mine as it softly played from my computer's speakers. They reminded of the plight of so many, even beyond our own shaken borders to the depressively torn regions across this globe. I share them with you now.

Under Bridges by Reese Roper

Yesterday while walking beneath an overpass
I saw the figure of Jesus
standing barefoot on broken glass
His beard was graying
Smell of urine filled the air
Asking if I had some change
Anything that I could spare

Emaciated, his shaking fist balled up
Influenza and pneumonia
Begging God to take his cup
So different from his pictures
Breathing air through yellowed tubes
Jesus Christ, dying of AIDS
can look right through you

And all have hated
Crucified and walked away
Savior of the prostitutes, drunkards, rapists
and the gays

Under bridges with hands raised
From the ghettos they praise his name
Broken, crippled, in the dark of night
Raise your voices to Jesus Christ
Hallelujah, Hallelujah, Hallelujah, Hallelujah

"The King will answer and say to them, 'Truly I say to you, to the extent that you did it to one of these brothers and sisters of Mine, even the least of them, you did it to Me.'" - Matthew 25:40

When the whirlwind passes, the wicked is no more, but the righteous has an everlasting foundation." - Proverbs 10:25

May we never think that we ourselves can never be included in the "least of these." May we never assume that the ground beneath our feet is everlasting simply because it has yet to be shaken. May we pray for forgiveness that we show so little compassion compared to that of Christ, and beg him to lead us confidently into the fray. Only there, deep amidst this despairing world, is found the grandest of wonders; only there is the true Savior.

Saturday, September 10, 2005

Somebody Stopped Me

Stating the obvious: I have not written anything on this blog for a while. The reason: somebody stopped me - somebody stopped me from thinking solely about myself, in having any driving concern for my own thoughts. I've been lost in the joy and the wonder of another person, and sometimes there are no words when you are lost like that. Besides, most people are not normally interested in hearing very much about a person's new-found feelings for someone else. You know what I mean.

"How are you, Vernon?"
"Not bad, actually. I met someone." (After all, many times you cannot stop the excitement of this from overflowing into speech.)
"Yeah, she's great."
"Where's she from? What's her name?"
"She's from Houston and goes to school in New York. Her name's Leigh."
"Great, good for you."

Conversation over for the one who asked. Conversation just begun for the one who met Leigh. It is somewhere around that moment where the two of you begin to separate. Why are we not more overjoyed with someone when they are overjoyed? Is it jealousy, carelessness, or just a growing pervasion of cynicism?

Needless to mention, however, such lack of concern from some does not trouble me. My close friends care, and that is nice. What better way to shirk off the self-centeredness of the world than by showing interest in the details of another's life? We should all be so selfless. I suppose this is the way you find out who are your true friends. Will I be so concerned when it is not me - when someone I know has big news?

But somebody has stopped me. Though, of course, when you meet someone you think of yourself in relation to that person, it is refreshing that my thoughts are no longer consumed with myself, my future, my call, my day-to-day activities, my purpose ... Instead, a significant amount of time is passed every day thinking about someone else, concerning myself with her. And this is fine with me - Leigh is much more captivating to me than I am to myself.

I am glad she stopped me. It is good to be halted. May I forever be stopped.